Friday, November 28, 2008


My thanksgiving break has been amazing! Megan, Mandy and I surprised my mom by driving to Folsom for the holidays! I got a ticket in Nevada, got lost in Reno for an hour and finally pulled into my driveway at 11pm! We have slept in, ate, ran, and shopped! It has been amazing. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed and eating your mom's food :)

I have one more week of class...and one week of finals until I'm back home! Don't get me wrong, it's going to be the worst 2 weeks of my life! I'm so sick of Utah and school...I definitely need a good 3 weeks of doing absolutely NOTHING! :) :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


So instead of studying tonight I watched SwimFan. This movie was INSANE. It's a pretty good movie, and very suspenseful. I recommend it :)

Tomorrow I'm studying the whole day. I pretty much screwed. Monday is going to suck...and I need to figure out what's happening over Thanksgiving break. blah! I really want to go home...but is that the wisest decision? probably not haha but I'll see what ends up happening.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Grey's Day!

BUT, Saturday 4pm...BYU vs UTAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!

Today was pretty boring. The week seems to be dragging on and on. It's ridiculous how slow the hours go when you're looking forward to something. Today I watched a whole disk of f.r.i.e.n.d.s. and studied for a test I'm taking tomorrow morning. LAMMMMEEEE! I hate school right now :(

Grey's Anatomy tonight! I'm not sure if I'm going to watch it but I'm interested to see what happens! :)

Friday, November 14, 2008


On Wednesday, AJ and I drove up to Salt Lake for Disney on Ice! It was amazing show! I definitely want to go again next year! My favorite part was when they told the story of Finding Nemo. They had bubbles falling from the ceiling and with the blue lights it actually looked like they were under water. They also had the remake of the "It's A Small World" ride at Disneyland which was really cool.

There were also a lot of bums sitting outside with signs...which is always fun :-/

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Morning Swims!

This morning I woke up at 6 and headed to the pool. It felt so good to get back in the water. The weather change and crazy school work load kept me sleeping in until 8 for the past four weeks. I definitely felt weak and out of shape. I'm definitely trying to get myself back into shape...I think it makes school more bearable.

At BYU I remember waking up at 545am...and walking a mile to the pool, in the snow, while listening to the latest hit on itunes. Swimming made me feel sooo much better throughout the day. Some people, like my sister, hate working out in the morning, but I definitely recommend it. It not only jump starts your metabolism, but also clears your mind. You have to find a balance though, because it's also important to get the right amount of sleep...and if you've only had 3 hours of sleep, going on a morning run is only going to make you more tired! Haha! That is my problem here in Richfield! :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

We LOVE to eat!

Not only do we nursing students have excellent Friday potluck lunches, we also make room in our stomachs for Halloween candy, Laura's delicious chips and salsa, and soda. Last week I had fast food 6 times within a 72 hour period. Ewww!! Stress makes us do and eat crazy things ;)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Provo Trips!

Yes, I still head to Provo to visit Mandy and Megan. It's a fun break from this little crappy town with no mall! A few weeks ago me and AJ took a trip down to provo for her birthday. Provo is always a vacation :) I'm also going to Provo for Thanksgiving!

A few weeks later...

School has been HARD! The endless studying and tests are overwhelming everyone. Laura is going to make a paper chain to count the number of days left in the semester! I've been eating a lot of fast food lately along with loads candy and gallons of diet coke. So...basically my heart is rotting out of my body. Hahaha...shoot!

I have 4 weeks of hell left!! :)